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Atticfab is a company producing a chair-type VR-exclusive movement controller 'walkinVR', VRgames and other VRcontents. Atticfab provides optimal VR experience with the biggest issues of VR : Safety, comfort play and emmersive movement. WalkinVR is an ergonomic chair which enables the user to move in VR space with foot-touch UI or walking-motion UI while sitting comfortably on it and it is outstanding for longer VR play. Atticfab is producing various VR contents; co-op shooting game 'ZERONE'(4-player multi), run to race game 'Space Olympia'(multi), and VR walk - travel contents. And currently opens an off-line shop 'WALKINVR ARCADE' to service walkinVR and the game 'ZERONE'officially.
  • GAMEGame VRGame
  • Sanghyuk,Lee
  • 010-2635-9396
  • 815, Daewangpangyo-ro, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
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