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BAYABAS's service stared from twisting the general idea of regarding hair loss as a subject to be healed to a subject that needs continuous care. The existing hair loss care market is growing with related products or medical devices, however standard program or customized programs for individuals are missing. So BAYABAS, after analyzing the cause, by providing missions specialized for each individuals aims to make a healthy habit that can improve the situation. Our service proactively brings changes on one's habits that improves hair loss and health. The progress will be seen as you complete the fun missions needed to promote hair groowth. The programs are based on actual treatment tests collaboratively done with Japan's No.1 hair loss care center. What distinguishes us from others is that we enhanced convenience and information accuracy by utilizing smart IOT device.
  • Seockjin Lee
  • 010-2975-7562
  • 757, Janghang-dong, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
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