• 010-2842-5721
  • 376, Mayu-ro, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
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  • Home Pick
  • Home Pick


  • VR VR/AR
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    Coming Soon
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We provide customized VR solutions for finishing materials / furniture / accessories company, home PC used by interior workers, and platform information of home mobile used by general consumers to provide spatial data information of residential space and interior information through utilization of finishing materials. To provide reasonable and efficient interior services.

❏ Product Name : Home Pick

- Cloud-based VR real-time interior solution & service using big data

We provide customized VR solutions for finishing materials / furniture / accessories company, home PC used by interior workers, and platform information of home mobile used by general consumers to provide spatial data information of residential space and interior information through utilization of finishing materials. To provide reasonable and efficient interior services.
In March 2018, we launched the 3D real-time interior simulator, 'HomeProduction Pro 1.0 (Home PC)', based on which we plan to expand into services for businesses and services for consumers. By utilizing the server, we aim to provide distribution and design services based on the finishing materials, furniture, props, and consumer behavior patterns, not software sales of home PCs.