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  • 010-3606-2911
  • 61, Dongbu-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

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  • micro360safari


  • VR VR/AR
  • Platform
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    Coming Soon
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Endangered Rare Amphibians and Reptiles Replacement Experience Virtual Reality (VR) Zoo Encountered in the VR World

멸종위기 희귀양서 파충류

가상현실 세계에서 만나는

대체체험 가상현실 동물원

Endangered Rare Amphibians and Reptiles

Replacement Experience Virtual Reality (VR) Zoo

Encountered in the VR World



마이크로 시간탐험대가 되어

만나는 총 100여종의

멸종위기 희귀양서파충류

Become a micro time explorer

and meet 100 species of

endangered rare amphibians and reptiles.


6개의 진동모터가 내장된

VR진동체어에 앉아

떠나는 사파리 여행

Travel to the safari

by sitting on a VR vibration chair

with six built-in vibration motors.