• lee gi-seong
  • 02-325-5100
  • 66, Cheongcho-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
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"I enjoy sharing my published thoughts in an interesting way."

Sharing Thoughts is a publishing company that cherishes books and writing, and has embraced the present with the love of readers and writers. They pursue the value of 'Small Thoughts, Big Changes' and make efforts to enable anyone to easily turn their thoughts and writing into books, share them with the world and communicate without modification.


Sharing Thoughts is a publishing company pursuing change and creativity, and welcomes today with love for books and writing from its readers and writers. Through valuing the idea of 'Small Thoughts, Big Changes,' Sharing Thoughts makes efforts to allow everyone to easily create and share their own thoughts and writing in book form, and to communicate with the world.