• 이진수, 김성수
  • 070-5056-3380
  • 경기 성남시 분당구 판교역로 221 (삼평동) 투썬월드빌딩 6층

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Chulmin, a man who has bird phobia, works for a security company where his boss suddenly starts to look like a bird. Chulmin starts to suspect his boss, who is connected to a strange entity known as "Harpyia", after the sudden disappearance of a colleague. Chulmin starts to peel off the layers of his boss' identity, only to discover that he is a grotesque creature that is neither bird nor human.

Chulmin, a man who has bird phobia, works for a security company where his boss suddenly starts to look like a bird. Chulmin starts to suspect his boss, who is connected to a strange entity known as
"Harpyia", after the sudden disappearance of a colleague. Chulmin starts to peel off the layers of his boss' identity, only to discover that he is a grotesque creature that is neither bird nor human. Chulmin barely escapes from his boss' attack, when this family becomes a target of "Harpyia".