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The Mirinae Korean Language Explorer is an exploratory learning resource for all students of Korean, both those learning Korean as a second language and potentially native speakers as well.

The essential idea is to allow the student to explore Korean wherever they encounter it, perhaps an example sentence in a dictionary or lesson text, some song lyrics or drama dialog, etc., and interactively discover its meaning, syntax, grammar patterns and any idioms used, and then to explore further, finding other examples of the patterns and words used.

The Explorer uses machine learning and natural language processing to build a lexical and grammatical analysis of the text, showing a breakdown of the text into its component words and particles and suffixes and other parts-of-speech along with a display of its structure in terms of phrases and predicates and clauses.  It also highlights the grammar patterns used and any idiomatic or stylized phrases, describing the meanings or nuances they impart.

All of the elements of this presented structure are interactive and may be clicked on to provide additional explanation or alternate meanings or phrasings or conjugations or honorific level, links to online reference or background material, or to show further example sentences using the selected word or grammar pattern or idiom. 

A key aspect of the technology is the availability of browser extensions that will detect Korean on any web-page you enable them for, adding exploration of any text fragment directly within the page so that it can be very easily used to augment existing Korean teaching, reference and translation sites.  We will also coordinate with many of these sites to directly integrate Explorer, so that any user of the site has access to its services embedded in the site, even if they don’t have the browser extension installed.  Explorer does not replace any of these services, it adds an extra level of exploratory learning and reference discovery to all of them.

Registered users of Explorer will be able to browse and search their exploration history, save exploration trails for later extended study, and generate study sheets and vocab lists from selected elements of this history.

We also invite users to contribute to the libraries within Explorer, helping to grow the grammar, idiom, vocab and external site references for the benefit of all. 

  • ETCEtc
  • Ray Yoo
  • 070-4888-7000
  • 550, Misa-daero, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
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