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왼쪽의 문자를 순서대로 모두 입력해주세요. 이미지 새로고침


  • GAME Game
  • 플랫폼
  • 장르
  • 단계
  • 제작년도
  • 분량
  • 타겟


먼 옛날 외계인들이 고향 행성에서 대전쟁으로 문명의 멸망을 겪습니다. 이 와중에 살아남은 소규모의 생존자들은 피난선에 탑승해 다른 행성에서 문명을 재건하기를 기대하며 동면에 듭니다. 그리고 그들은 2023년 지구에 불시착합니다.

l Learning programming language by game

- People think ‘Game’ is fun, easy and not boring

- Anybody can learn programming language through our game in easy and fun way

l  TryCoding is a game designed to learn multiple programming languages

- language among listed on such as JavaScript, C, Python

- Support two ways of learning such as typing and drag-and-system

l  TryCoding is a game designed to learn with fun

- Due to limitation in learning programming by oneself, we provide fun and easier way

- Students can learn programming by typing command word

- Games like character and missions added interesting elements to prevent being bored

- Total 9 chapters consist with 20~25 stages and practice the previous chapter

l  TryCoding is providing customized learning service

- Machine running based learning system

- Repeat the point which learner make a wrong answer

- Learner can make game and share the contents by Level Editor

l  TryCoding characteristics

- Provide gamification and machine running based edu-service

- Customized learning service

- Provide Edtech service and game mixed study

- Improve coding ability by playing game

- Provide invite and add friends function

- Provide Facebook, Google linked service

l  Originality

- Previous programming language games meet limitation

- Previous games failed to build levels for learners

- Needed intermediate level between learning algorithm and programmer level

Learner can make game and share the contents by Level Editor

- Using learner oriented UI/UX