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일제 강점기 부당한 억압과 착취에 저항했던 제주 해녀들의 소요

During the Japanese colonial period, 238 large and small rallies and demonstrations took place in Jeju from 1930 to January 1932, and the number of female divers who participated was 17,000. Jeju Provincial Governor (current governor) served as the head of the Haenyeo Association and made an unfair exploitation of the Haenyeo, and the enraged Haenyeo staged a massive protest with a hoe and a rain window (a tool used to pick abalone). The two-year-old protest, which has been dominated by at least hundreds and thousands of haenyeo, blocked Takuchi Teiki's car and demanded direct meetings, as well as the Sehwa-ri oil field demonstration. When the performers broke out, the fierce struggle, which attacked the branch with rain spears and even engaged in close warfare with the policemen, was an unprecedented female uprising in Korean history as well as in world history, and it was a history of victory that eventually fulfilled most of the demands. Nevertheless, these haenyeo protests are rarely known to the public today. This is because the Jeju Haenyeo Uprising is the history of the periphery and the history of women. Although the Haenyeo Uprising had the character of anti-Japanese, it was essentially a resistance to unfair oppression and exploitation that the Jeju people had been constantly suffering and a struggle for the right to live. In this way, we would like to show the history and life of women's struggles by vividly conveying the forgotten Jeju haenyeo uprising to the lives of haenyeo.